Goat Pick-up/Sales Policy

Deposit Information: To secure a goat, a non-refundable deposit of $100 is required. Animals are not held without a deposit, and full payment is necessary to consider a goat "sold." We operate on a first-come, first-pay basis.

Reservations: Reserving a goat also requires a non-refundable deposit of $100, with priority given based on the order of reservations received. When the reserved goat becomes available, you will have 24 hours to complete the purchase.

Pickup: Failure to pick up a goat by the agreed-upon date will result in a boarding fee of $5 per day per goat. If the goat remains uncollected beyond the agreed date, you may forfeit your purchase, including the deposit, and the goat may be sold to someone else. If we are delivering the goat, all transport fees must be paid along with the purchase.

Guarantees: We guarantee that the goat will be in good health on the day of pickup, but we assume no responsibility for its health once it leaves our care. After pickup, the goat becomes your sole responsibility.

Notes: We retain the right to keep any kid at any time. We also reserve the right to refuse a sale or transport to any individual or farm at our discretion. If you request health certificates or other veterinary services before purchase, you will be responsible for all associated costs.